Al-kitab Al-tamhidi

Al-kitab Al-tamhidi is best described as the most suitable cornerstone for all learners of Arabic. It comes in two volumes covering most of the topics you may need in your everyday life.

The book covers the following topics:

  • How to read, write and pronounce the Arabic letters, numbers, simple questions, meeting and introducing new people, hellos and goodbyes, pronouns, comparing short vowels and long vowels, countries and languages, nationalities, travel, in the airport, in the train station, common social phrases.
  • Transportation, directions, some prepositions, jobs and work, how to compose questions and how to answer questions, question words, phone calls, compound numbers, correspondence, members of the family, daily activities, time.
  • Clothes, shopping, in the restaurant, in the kitchen, time, dates and appointments, people’s adjectives, shape and appearance, shapes and colors, rooms and sections of a house, furniture, renting a house.
  • Shopping, demonstrative pronouns, agreement and disagreement, a job interview, seasons, time and date, months, days of the week, height and weight, life in the countryside, life in the city, possessive pronouns, family life.
  • Senses, organs and parts of the human body, health, weather, animals, a parrot’s life.
  • In the hotel, a tour, relics and historical sites, occasions, a graduation party, festivals, in the hospital, in the clinic, ambition and wishing, the future.

After finishing this book, learners should be able to:

  • Distinguish similar Arabic sounds and words.
  • Read and write.
  • Compose simple and compound sentences.
  • Understand and answer questions.
  • Use different types of interrogative sentences.
  • Comprehend and use Arabic both in writing and speaking in all everyday life situations.
  • Communicate with Arabs in an acceptable way.
  • Have an approach on the Arabs culture.
  • Make simple correspondences using general Arabic.


Al-kitab Al-tamhidi Minimum Hours Needed Number of Volumes
150 2 books+ Work book



Mohamed Abs, Amer Alsibai, M Saeed Alabrash and Mumin Alannan.

Revised and Edited by:

Dr. Bakri Sheigh Ameen, Ali Hamadallah, Dr. Fakhruddeen Qabawah, Dr. Mazen Almubarak, Dr. Mahmoud Almasri and Mahmoud Bay.

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