Al-Kitab Al-Mutaqaddem

This book is the fourth and last book in Al-lisan Series in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers; it is most suitable for who have finished the first three books in the series (Al-kitab Al-tamhidi, Al-kitab Al-mobtadea and Al-kitab Al-motawasset) or those at a good level in terms of grammar with enough vocabulary to communicate, converse and make correspondences in Arabic. Al-kitab Al-motaqaddem comes here to enhance learners’ skills in general grammar and train them on long texts and dialogues and writing long essays in addition to enrich their writing styles.

This book comes in two volumes and covers the following topics:

Human rights, Arabic literature, culture, the importance of books in the spread of culture, the Egyptian Press, Medicine, the life of a famous physician, Euthanasia.

Poems and proverbs in the Arabic literature, noble morals, humility and honesty, a short story.

Economy, a famous economist, Malaysia, The Arabic literature, a short story, a poem, the Arabic civilization and a famous Arabic scientist, Media and its importance.

Arabic poetry, Folklore, the history of Medicine, Psychiatry, Surgery in the past, a short story from the Arabic literature.

After finishing this book, learners should be able to:

  • Form adjectives and use them.
  • Describe and using adjectives very skillfully.
  • Use all kinds of adverbs.
  • Differentiate between adverbs and adjectives.
  • Form passive verbs.
  • Form participles and use them.
  • Using the causative object.
  • Differentiate between indeclinable and declinable.
  • The Emphatic
  • Infinitive
  • Use exception and vocative form.
  • Use exclamation forms.
  • Use superlative form skillfully.
  • Use restriction form.
  • Use The Noun of Usage
  • Types of Hamzah in the beginning of the word
  • Interact with Arabic speakers efficiently
  • Write in Arabic in a smooth and profound way.
  • Writing long essays in Arabic.
  • Discuss different topics fluently.
  • Understand and comprehend Arabic seminars and lectures.
  • Handle any Arabic book, reference or newspaper.



Al-kitab Al-motaqaddem Minimum Hours Needed Number of Volumes
150 2 books



Mohamed Abs, Amer Alsibai, M Saeed Alabrash and Mumin Alannan.

Revised and Edited by:

Dr. Bakri Sheigh Ameen, Ali Hamadallah, Dr. Fakhruddeen Qabawah, Dr. Mazen Almubarak, Dr. Mahmoud Almasri and Mahmoud Bay.

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