Al-Kitab Al-Mutawasset

This book is the third phase in learning Arabic and is suitable for those who have finished the first two books in this series ( Al-kitab Al-tamhidi and then Al-kitab Al-mobtadea) or those able to compose sentences of all types in Arabic and who possess the basic knowledge of Arabic grammar. Al-kitab Al-motawasset comes here to enable learners of linking sentences to each other and compose short essays in addition to enriching learners’ vocabulary and make them more familiar with Arabic grammar.

The book covers the following topics:

The space and Man’s dreams in living outside the Earth, science and knowledge and the role of the human mind in them, the invention of ships, music and its effect at human, famous music, upbringing children and its difficulties, happiness in life, business and professions, media and acting, the role of the social institutes in serving the community as psychiatric hospitals and orphanages.

Social arts and their importance, memories of the past, ancient civilizations, social classes, peace and war

Different cultures in the globe, plants in our planet, the palm tree, mathematics and its importance, a famous mathematician, discoveries in the past and the present, a famous spy, future dreams and human ambitions.

Reasons, kinds and bad effects of pollution, natural phenomena, volcanoes and earthquakes, lunar and solar eclipse, ancient and modern civilizations, Petra and japan, building and construction, History and scientists, different types of water and the importance of water.

After finishing this book, learners should be able to:

  • Use negation in different ways.
  • Writing Al-hamzah in the middle and end of the word
  • Inflection and indeclinable ending cases.
  • Using adverbs of time and adverbs of place.
  • Using the (إنَّ) and (كان) and its groups.
  • Vocalic verbs with pronouns.
  • Distinguishing transitive verbs with one object and transitive verbs with two objects.
  • Use relative pronouns skillfully.
  • Use all kinds of conditional sentences
  • Write short essays in Arabic in a good way.
  • Link sentences to each other skillfully.
  • Interactive conversation with Arabic speakers.
  • Discussing different topics in a suitable way.
  • Improve their skills in the language in terms of fluency, grammar and writing.



Al-kitab Al-motawasset Minimum Hours Needed Number of Volumes
150 2 books



Mohamed Abs, Amer Alsibai, M Saeed Alabrash and Mumin Alannan.

Revised and Edited by:

Dr. Bakri Sheigh Ameen, Ali Hamadallah, Dr. Fakhruddeen Qabawah, Dr. Mazen Almubarak, Dr. Mahmoud Almasri and Mahmoud Bay.

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